Motivation Monday: The Courage to Be

I went this past Monday to a workshop for women called Monday Motivation!! C.E.E.D. is putting these together and they are once a month. They kicked it off in January of 2020. This was my first one to attend. I am looking forward to these every month. I had a “Lightbulb” moment on my way home. I would love to blog every Monday when I get back to the office with my thoughts. I know, today is not Monday!!! LOL. My Monday and Tuesday were not my regular schedule. So I took today as an office day and here I am blogging to you.

The title of this workshop was The Courage To Be. Suzy Hrabovsky (Executive Director of CEED) kicked off the meeting introducing Motivation Monday and an ice breaker for us (24+ women) to get acquainted a little more. Her passion for women, the community, CEED, and local businesses definitely shines through. It was my first time meeting her and looking forward to talking with her again.

The first speaker was Patrice J Carter. I am always in awe of her and feel blessed every time I am in her presence. She ALWAYS speaks from the heart, soul, and GOD. No matter what, she always lets God lead her. You can always feel God’s presence in the room and with her. She challenged us to dig deep within to find that courage to start taking steps (whether big or small) towards making our dream a reality. I can’t let my fears get in the way of my passion/dream. She did say something (about me) that will always stick with me. “Rebekah is just like the honey she sells. She is so sweet, full of many flavors, and it all naturally comes straight from the heart.”

Alyssa Hennessy-Storyteller was the second person to drive home on courage. Her message was more geared towards storytelling. Since this is her story, her presentation was funny, heartbreaking, and most importantly relevant. Storytelling is the basis to anything (marketing, making friends, comedy, raising children, building a business,etc). As a business owner you must tell your story and connect with your audience (customer). To build your business you must connect and your story must be told. I know I must include me more in our store telling. I don’t like to be in the light. I always let Rodney shine and I do a lot of the behind the scenes action. But I will do better to include me in our stories. That is why I am forcing myself to have a blog with me and I am going to blog every 4th Monday on Motivation Monday.

Kia McMillan got up to close down the workshop with idea behind #Ican #Iwill #Iam and holding each other accountable. I will touch more upon this in another blog. I never like to make these too long. I did come away motivated, inspired, blessed and refreshed.

Until next time, stay sweet and Beehive Yourself.


Rebekah Medley