Sexual Chocolate

Sexual Chocolate! What a perfect name for our infused honey that we release for Valentine’s Day!!! While most people laugh, get embarrassed, or go to a dirty place with their mind when they hear this name, I want to pick up my fake microphone and say “Coming to the stage…”.

Rodney and I have many late nights jarring up our honey and getting ready for the markets. Sometimes we need a little extra help to get through these nights. Sometimes the help is jokes/laughter, sometimes caffeine/sugar and sometimes it’s as simple as a strong proof drink. Back in January 2020 we were just coming off our holiday break and getting ready for the new year that 2020 would be (we had no clue, did we?!) We were having a late night of jarring up honey with one our traditional infusions, Cacao. We were talking through what we would offer as our core honeys, what would be new honeys and our limited editions. Now we are not good enough to plan the whole year at one time, but we do love to try. This night Rodney was also enjoying a little liquid proof (Cognac). He got inspired while sipping and jarring. This inspiration eventually became known as Sexual Chocolate.

The name didn’t come until we were actually jarring up the honey for a Bridal Show. Again a late night. You will eventually figure out that we are night owls, if you haven’t already. We kept talking through different names and thoughts to try to find the perfect name. During our banter Rodney made a comment that was from the show Good Times. Which then took him to the movie Coming to America because of a specific actor that was in both. This got us reminising about the movie, the actors/characters and some funny moments which included this scene. “Coming to the stage….Sexual Chocolate”. If you have not seen this 1988 movie, you are missing out. Arsenio Hall and Eddie Murphy both do amazing work in all 4 roles they each play.

So, what is Sexual Chocolate? It is honey infused with our traditional Cacao and then infused again with a liquor paste that we make from Cacao and Cognac. This double infusion makes this honey decadent and a great addition to many things including fruits, nuts, desserts and cocktails.

This Sweet Liquid Aphrodisiac will make any Valentine’s Day special!!

Thanks for reading. Until next time, stay sweet and Beehive Yourself.


Rebekah Medley